What is your name? Karyna
What is Your Timezone? PST
IGN: Poptart
Experience as a GM: Yes i have experience as GM on VoidMS and ChickenMS
Why Do You Like BoredMS? I like BoredMS because of the nice Staff members and because sometimes im just bored,
What would you do as a GM in BoredMS? I would help out the community if they need help and do some events on BoredMS
What sets you apart from everyone else ingame? There are alot of things but mostly is Me helping other members and teaching them how to use all the commands
Why do you think we should choose you? You should choose me because im a very helpful person and I am very active i am atleast on 9 hours a day
will you quit if we decline your application? No I will not quit because I am very loyal to all servers i play.
Tell Us About yourself: Im 16 and im still in high school atm. I have summer school for 4 hours a day but im mostly on my computer enless my friends call me to go hang out or something.